Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chibi Kyuketsuki

Name: Scarlit Evelyn Vincente James

This is You:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Vampire Knight - Matsuri Hino Kishimoto does if I did I would not be wasting my time writing this. Also No animals were harmed in the making of the writing, and the author has/will NOT receive any monetary gain from this work. This is a work of fiction any resemblance to any person living or dead is by coincidence. No flames PLEASE, if so they will be laughed at and used to bake cookies!! :P (I like Cookies!)

Looking impassively at the crowd, you make your way to first period. Chemistry was not your best subject. Walking into the classroom you are attacked by two ravenous fanboys, rolling your eyes, you quickly brush off the guys. Silently you take your seat, opening your binder; you pull out your notebook.

As class lingers on, you find yourself unable to pay attention to anything other than that Kiryuu boy, paging through your notebook you come across a clean page. Grabbing a pen, you begin doodling the back of his head. A rather loud smack gains your attention; the teacher has somehow appeared in front of your desk.

“So James-san, name two of the six noble gasses,” Your teacher asks, pushing up his glasses.

Closing your notebook, you reply, “Argon and neon, I believe are both noble gasses.”

The teacher looks dumbfounded, “Well, um, y-yes,” his voice now hardens, “don’t let me catch you doodling in your notebook again.”

“Of course, Chikara-sensei,” You bow your head, invisible to him, you roll your eyes.

Walking up to the front of the class your teacher clears his throat, “Everyone, for the rest of the period, you and your lab partner will begin a 600 word essay. You can all thank James-san since she thinks that it’s okay to doodle in my class.”

A large amount of groans, protests, and glares aimed at you are announced.

Chikara-sensei clears his throat once more, “Also, I get to choose your lab partners, so; Cross and Takashi,” after six other pairs have been called, you begin to grow irritated of waiting, “Finally, James and Kiryuu.”

A cold glare is what you receive as Zero sits next to you, you return the gesture.

“You know Zero,” You comment, “being pissed at me isn’t going to get this report done.”

He rolls his eyes, “Whatever James-chan,”

A smirk appears on your lips, “Chan, where the hell did the chan come from?” Looking over at your partner you realize that he is blushing slightly.

“You get to write,” He snaps, shoving your notebook towards you.

“Fine,” you growl, flipping open your notebook, you unfortunately open it up to your most recent doodles, looking over you see a dumbfounded Zero. “Um, ah, shit…”

Quickly, Zero regains his composure, “Neh, so Scarlit-chan, do you have something to say about this?” He asks in is scary ‘guardian voice’.

Flipping the page, you coolly reply, “Nope, nothing at all,” looking up at Zero’s face, your eye’s quickly flicker away; you never realized how handsome he was until now.

Regaining your composure you clear your throat, “So Kiryuu-san,” the corners of your lips quirk up as you notice the silver-haired guardian scowl, “Do you have any ideas for this essay?”

“None at all,” He quickly mutters. Eyes meeting, you can’t help but look away from the quartz orbs. “What’s gotten you all flustered today Scarlit?” Zero asks bemused.

“Nothing, it’s just that I don’t like working with people.” Whispering the last part, you look down at the blank sheet of paper.

You hear Zero cough but, you swear he says something along the lines of ‘bullshit’. “What was that?” You angrily growl.

“Nothing,” he mutters looking into a blank corner of the room.

The next ten minutes continue in the same way. Causing your eye to twitch, finally Chikara-sensei comes to the front of the classroom. “Alright everyone, your papers are due next Monday so you guys have all weekend to work on it.”

As the bell rings, you watch as your teacher is the first to leave the classroom as the bell rings.

Sulkily, you slowly pack up your things, since you had a study hall this period, the teacher was used to coming in late.

As you try to get up, you realize that you are caged in by two arms. “What the fuck Zero?” You ask angrily, but you don’t get the reply you want, instead you get a rough kiss to your lips as a growl escapes his throat. Clutching his jacket, you shove him off, panting once again you ask, “What. The. Fuck.”

You hear a growl erupt from his throat once again, pushing his body against yours once more, he murmurs into your neck, “You are mine.” Causing an involuntary shiver to run down your spine.

“W-what do you want?” You ask, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so vulnerable, so weak, so alone.

He looks into your eyes, looking deep inside; you see care, love, compassion, and a twinge of lust. “You,” he whispers, “Your care, your love, your mind, your body, your spirit”

You gasp at the sincerity in his voice, eyes watering, you can’t help but look away, tears well up in your eyes, you want to trust him, but memories of your painful history make you find it hard to do.

“Why?” as your voice cracks, you realize that you can no longer hold your tears back s they freely fall from your eyes.

“I don’t know why Scarlit-chan, I just feel drawn to you, I want to hold you, I want to protect you.”

Burying your head into his shoulder, you let out all your hidden tears, the isolation between you and your father before his death, how alone you’ve felt, “P-please Zero don’t leave me,” You voice more faint then the wind murmurs.

Picking you up onto the lab top, he pulls your face, making you look at him directly. “Never.” He replies calmly, as he places his lips onto yours. Raising his hands to your cheeks, he wipes the tears from them as yours tangle in his hair.

Licking your lower lip for entrance, Zero’s hands rest on your hips. Slowly opening your mouth you reach your tongue out to meet his, as Zero begins to slowly trace circles on your hips. Lightly moaning into the kiss, you bring one hand down from his hair and place it on his shirt. After fiddling with the button, you finally are able to undo the first of the many fasteners.

Detaching his lips from yours, they gracefully travel down your neck, leaving feather-light kisses in their wake. Hands now steadier, you make quick work of the buttons of his shirt, he arches his shoulders back, making it easier for you to remove the piece of cloth.

Pulling his lips back up to yours once more, he initiates another blissfully heated make-out session tongues gracefully dancing with one another as his hands roughly unbutton your shirt.

Almost unwillingly, he removes his mouth again, and begins leaving open-mouthed kisses along your collar bone, causing light gasps to pass your plump lips. Reaching one of his hands around your body he begins to undo your bra. Hands rubbing along his torso, you hear light groans escape Zero’s lips. Finally, he unclasps your bra victoriously; he rips the undergarment away from your slender frame. Gasping, you blush pulling out of Zero’s tight embrace.

Pulling the small bit of cloth back to your chest, he whispers into your ear, “Don’t, you are so beautiful, please believe me.” Nodding you wrap your arms around his neck, and allow him to pull off the unwanted garment and begin to pull him closer to yourself. Leaning into his neck, you begin kissing down it, looking for a weak spot.

Upon hearing a groan, you know you’ve found it. Moving your arms down his torso, and to his pant line finding his belt, you begin your struggle to undo it. Feeling Zero’s hands gently caress your sides makes you shiver slightly, and let out a light groan against his neck.

Smirking against his neck, you feel the snap that tells you that you’ve unbuckled that damn belt. Now you make quick work of the button. “You know,” he murmurs, very gently “That’s not fair.”

Leaning against Zero you quickly pick up your body allowing Zero to grip the sides of your skirt, and pull it down your slender legs. Gasping you realize that he pulled your underwear down as well, “Zero!” You squeak.

A deep chuckle is heard from the silver-haired male, making his chest shake. Quickly, you feel two fingers pressed against your lips, not understanding you wait for him to. Pushing his fingers into your mouth your tongue greets the intruding objects with fervor. Gracefully your tongue plays with the digits. Groaning, he removes them from your mouth, and begins to trail them down your nude body, shivering at the contact, you feel them stop right above your entrance.

Looking into your eyes, “We can stop right now if you want to,” he states, your eyes widen at the amount of self-control it would take for anyone to say that at this point, and the sacrifice in his eyes. Kissing him gently on the lips, you nod spreading your legs a little further apart.

You jump at the feeling of something invading your most private opening, seeing the concern in his eyes you just nod again, letting him know it’s alright. Kissing your lips once more, he begins to pump his finger in and out of you.

Not asking for permission this time, his tongue ravishes yours, causing a deep moan to be swallowed by Zero’s mouth. His hand slows its pace inside of you, causing you to groan, until you feel more being pushed in and out of your tight hole. Reaching down you begin to pull Zero’s deep red boxers down to his knees, looking down; you blush.

Panting you ask, “How the hell is that,” you point down “gonna fit?!”

He chuckles, making your shiver once more, “Don’t worry,” he kisses your neck reassuringly, “I’ll make it as painless as I can.”

Reaching his lips to yours, he begins to scissor his fingers inside of you, making you squirm uncomfortably. After a while, you feel an odd sensation in your abdomen, and begin squirming once again, Zero understanding immediately pulls his fingers out of you and into his mouth. Glaring up at him, you are about to say something until he connects his lips to yours in an erotic kiss, arousing both of you.

Now, you feel something bigger than his fingers at your entrance. Pulling his face away from yours once more he speaks softly “Promise me you’ll tell me if I hurt you.” You can hear the need in his voice. Gently, he picks you up from the lab table, and begins to impale you onto his member. Wincing at the pain of your interior walls stretching, you let out a light whimper, causing Zero to stop immediately and look at you. Nodding and biting your lip, you allow him to continue. Slowly he continues to slide himself into you.

Upon being fully sheathed inside you, you feel like you’re being split apart. Tears rolling down your cheeks, resting your head on his shoulder, nodding lightly, you pull your hips away from his, and slowly resheathe him inside of you. Groaning he places you back onto the desktop, and thrusts his hips in and out slowly, gripping onto his forearms your nails draw blood. The tears continue to fall, but the pain dulls to a throb, and you try to match your thrusts to his.

Hearing his grunts become more pronounced, you feel his grip on your sides tighten, and he bites your neck as he cums inside of you; feeling his body freeze, you worry and begin caressing his back lightly. Hearing the sound of swallowing, you down, and he pulls away from your neck.

Looking into his eyes you see sorrow and remorse, “I’m so sorry,” his voice cracks, “Scarlit-chan, I-I didn’t mean-”

Pressing your finger to his lips you reply, “Shh, its okay. I’m fine.” Pulling your lower half away from his, grimacing lightly from the pain you continue, “Don’t worry Zero-kun, I trust you.”

He nods but says, “How? I’m a monster unworthy of anyone.”

Shaking your head you reply, “Whoever told you that deserves to burn in hell,” tone softening, you sigh “I’ve never met anyone more worthy, now; let’s get cleaned up and into the last ten minutes of second period.”

Nodding, you both get dressed and clean up your mess. Kissing him lightly on the lips you say, “Meet me in my room later tonight so we can finish our essay.” You wink, causing him to blush.

“Of course,” He quickly replies.

‘Huh,’ you think to yourself ‘I’ve entrusted my life to a vampire’

“Oh and Zero!” you call turning around you continue, “You don’t have to worry, after all, who would believe me if I told them you were a vampire?” Eyes widening slightly he stares, giggling once more, you kiss him on the lips, “Not that I would, my chibi kyuketsuki.”

Walking off to your study hall, you can still feel his shocked gaze watching your every move.